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: CWRU ECS Student Chapter
: @ECS_CWRUChapter
Contact us: cwruecsstudentchapter@gmail.com
Our current board members.
Hello! We are the Case Western Reserve University Electrochemical Society (CWRUECS) Student Chapter. As a subsidiary student chapter of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), we embody the vision and mission of ECS with an emphasis on the geographical and educational arena of Case Western Reserve University. We try to keep our members up to date and informed of all electrochemical related opportunities.
Particularly, the CWRUECS Student Chapter Mission is to be a model ECS student chapter encouraging the learning of electrochemistry and collaboration in all allied subjects throughout the many departments associated with electrochemistry and its assisting fields. CWRUECS’s mission is to enhance the professional development of students, faculty, and staff at Case Western Reserve University in the electrochemistry field and all allied subjects as well as provide networking opportunities for students with local industries in the electrochemical field. Finally, the Case Western Reserve University Electrochemical Society Student Chapter will be another avenue for Case Western University to be on the forefront of electrochemical sciences through networking, educational, social opportunities, and events.