Senior Project students give two oral progress reports to a faculty member in charge of PHYS 352, an(other) senior project committee member. The student’s advisor is expected to attend this report. Firm due dates for each report will be announced a few weeks in advance.
Monitoring Progress
At each progress report, both the student and the supervisor should be prepared to discuss if the project is working out, if work commensurate with the contract is being done and appropriate communication is taking place, and if significant changes need to be made. If there are difficulties with performing the work of the project, it is always recommended the or a chair of the Senior Project Committee be informed as soon as possible. However, it is mandatory that this be done during oral progress reports.
Organizing Senior Project Meetings, Times and Rooms Times
- Speak with your advisor, whom you (ought to) see all the time, anyway and agree on a reasonable list of times
- Arrange one or two times when the instructor’s calendar suggests that (s)he is free. E-mail proposed times to your adviser and the instructor with proposed times.
- It is then likely you will receive a google invitation to your meeting, with a chosen room. Or, as appropriate, Skype / Zoom / similar meetings can be organized, particularly for off-campus advisers. Alternatively, you may chose, with your adviser, to suggest a room. Good places the small conference room (Rockefeller 219b), the Miller Room (Rockefeller 216): any physics faculty member or staff member can check availability and reserve these on-line.) Some classrooms e.g. Rockefeller 304 and 306 as well as large offices (particularly if there is no need for a projector / we can share a laptop screen as required) are also possibilities.