Andrew Huss with Stephen Phillips (Electrical Engineering)
Integration of Sensor Technology for Mini-WHEGS Robot
WHEGS stands for wheels with legs. The mini-WHEGS robot is approximately the size of a pack of playing cards, and possesses great power and agility for its size. It can maneuver over or around almost any obstacle, and has potential applications as a research or surveillance tool. In order to be useful, however, it must contain a sensor package with control mechanisms that allow it to collect useful data and transmit or store the information effectively. Initially, I will explore the potential for including tactile sensation and video, audio, and infrared data acquisition. As my knowledge develops, I will attempt to create a working product based on these findings. A primary objective is to give the robot rudimentary knowledge of its orientation and location in relation to nearby obstacles. The next goal is for it to acquire reliable data of some kind. In both cases, new hardware must be integrated with the communications system, possibly a palm pilot. Due to space and weight constraints, I will take advantage of the control electronics that are present on the existing robot.