Trey Wager with Roger French
Investigating the Durability and Reliability of PERC Solar Cells with Accelerated Weathering
Abstract – PERC (passivated emitter rear cell) monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic cells have higher efficiency than Al-BSF (aluminum back surface field) silicon photovoltaic cells, but these new PERC cell designs do not have well established reliability and durability performance. This project will entail acquisition and processing of 2-D microwave photoconductance decay (μ-PCD) maps of bare PERC and Al-BSF monocrystalline Si solar cells through degradation exposure steps. Using Python image processing methods, we will extract minority carrier lifetime variables (i.e. as a function of position). The obtained time-series minority carrier lifetime data will be modeled with physics-based and data-driven approaches, and related to cell performance parameters such as power conversion efficiency, short circuit current, and open circuit voltage. These models will allow us to identify specific degradation mechanisms related to PERC and Al-BSF cell types.